Triumph Living Communities (TLC) is a community-based nonprofit organization focused on serving foster youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). TLC is a project in its development phase with a mission dedicated to creating permanent housing solutions for individuals with ASD. Our vision includes personalized and services tailored to fit the individual so they can live and thrive with unprecedented levels of care rolled seamlessly into everyday life. TLC will provide the services and programs that create a foundation upon which to structure support ; a home which meets people at their personal milieu and wraps them in genuine care, stability, and safety.
As the prevalence of ASD rapidly increases, communities around the world struggle to provide consistent living arrangements for individuals with ASD. Furthermore, integrated, robust programs will be needed to truly address this ever-expanding social conundrum.
This increasingly complicated social dilemma is the focal point of the TLC mission. Along with continual development and maintenance of treatment plans, the systematic fine-tuning of various services is critical to meeting an individual’s needs.
TLC establishes a lofty standard for intentional living goals, therapeutic fidelity, and the positive health outcomes that result from stability, consistency, qualified supports, and bleeding-edge, evidence-proven modalities. Our overarching goal is actualize improved outcomes for these community members. This drives us to continually improve our methodologies, to always endeavor to develop new best practices, and to teach professionals and team members what we do well in the hope of expanding the repertoires of workers practicing within the realm of ASD.
TLC’s community oriented practice is ingrained with social work philosophies and employs effective evidence-based modalities rooted in behavioral science. Our organizational culture is centrally focused on the virtues of compassion, truth, authenticity, and love. This positive dynamic bolsters change and is a critical component in the development of care solutions that will meet the unique and disparate needs of individuals along the autism continuum.
TLC demonstrates important social work ideologies such as service, social justice, dignity, relationships, integrity, and competence. The outcomes for those with developmental disabilities like autism become very bleak as life progresses and support systems become unstable. An individual with ASD who cannot secure shelter, a nurturing environment, or the consistency the need, no real change can be had. TLC is dedicated to and necessary for the facilitation of real change. TLC provides a much-needed positive benefit to those impacted by ASD, and in fact, the larger community also experiences the positive effects that caring for one another releases into the world.